Our Story.


September 15th 2024 sees our 9th birthday at Omni: we’ve come a long, long way since we first took over a sandwich shop with a concrete floor, a black ceiling and a panini maker. A time to reflect – and with the inception of our new website, we thought we’d share something of our memories and thoughts. 

If we had to sum up the past nine years in one word it would be exhilarating - in a few more - exhausting, uplifting, scary, enriching, exciting, freeing – and all stops between!

From the get-go we’ve been made to feel welcome on our corner of leafy Monkseaton. Many, many of our neighbours are now essentially café residents- exactly what we'd hoped would happen! Our passion is food – but the context has always been about building a sense of community and human connectedness.

Our relationships matter to us above all else, we’re a family business - and we’ve spent a lot of time finding just the right people to complete our teams – those offering energy and passion in the kitchen and a really warm welcome front of house. Some of our team have other things going on, travelling or studying, other plans - we are happy to be a step on their way – and we’re delighted to hear all about it when they come back. Others have been with us from those first days when the concrete floor had to be dug out and the black ceiling refused to be painted over and opening by September seemed like a crazy dream. 

But we did it.

We knew our food would speak for itself but we knew too that the success of our café would depend on finding the right folks to join us. 

And over time we have. 

Nine years on and working relationships have evolved into friendships - and we remain deeply grateful to our teams: to our kitchen porters who have learned to prep and now cook, to our floor managers who think nothing of cleaning the yard and to our Sous Chefs who constantly come up with the exciting dishes calling to you from our Specials board and who delight us with home-baked biscuits

So, that’s it. We can’t lock the doors (though we’d like to) – we just hope they’ll stay awhile.  We’ll make proper introductions later – but first, something about how it all began…


It began, long ago but not-so-far away…

September 2003, in an art room in Whitley Bay High, Louis first spoke to Corrie, later at home describing her as, ‘quite messy and she loves food: I think you’d like her ‘. …and we did. 

Six years on and Corrie and Louis were living very happily in Hanoi, teaching English and taking time to explore the backroads, sideroads and alleyways. Immersing themselves in the bustle, the pace – they embraced Hanoi and it embraced them back. 

Communications home spoke of a multitude of new experiences but spoke mostly, in ecstatic terms, of the latest sampling of street food. The immediacy and freshness of the vegetables, tempered by the unguent depth of caramelised meat, all expertly wrapped in a leaf, or offered on a bamboo spike - each stall offering something unique….. 

Exploring further afield they route-planned according to the reputation of amazing local dishes – and so, led by their taste-buds, they meandered their way through Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia and China. Messages home occasionally mentioned waterfalls, Black Hmong women, walking on Fansipan – but mostly they spoke of food. 

Back at home in their alley, sharing their space with two rescued ducks, Corrie, already a trained and experienced chef, devoured the culinary knowledge shared by friends and neighbours. 4am trips to the local market were a feast for the eyes and Louis and Corrie indulged both their passions by holding candlelit parties beside Hoan Kiem lake, with dish after dish cooked up on tiny burners, friends hunkering down on rugs spread in the lakeside shadows, Lou d-j’ing and the nearest ‘facility’ a 5 minute scooter-ride away in a friends’ house.

They might still be there had it not been for a truck driver failing to check his mirror as he turned left, taking Lou and his scooter away under his vehicle. Damage was done and suddenly Lou and Corrie had to return home. The lives they had built and adored came to an abrupt halt – they had to make plans…

Corrie (third from left) & Lou (second from right) with family in Hanoi

Lou & Corrie in Vietnam 2009

A stint providing corporate catering for a high-profile company was lucrative and paid off the medical bills – but anyone who knew them knew their hearts weren’t in it. They yearned for the smoky clamour of their local Hanoi eating houses, where seats were child-size and randomly placed around the cramped spaces, the clamour as orders were shouted at steaming chefs – and the slight surprise when your order arrived out of the chaos, to be shared with friends and family amidst loud and ecstatic expressions of delight and calls to the kitchen for more.

Over the winter of 2014-15 they began to draw up a plan for bringing together the elements they’d adored in those small alley cafes: the oozing goodness of every dish, the informality balanced with a genuine welcome. The sense that the café is a focus for the local community and all human (and other!) life is here. Could this be recreated - or was it so inextricably embedded in the culture of the place it would be foolish to try? They decided to try.

And it’s worked.

So, here we are, Omni has opened and nine years on we are happily welcoming and feeding old friends and new.

We’ve had – and continue to have such enormous support from our families - (now one big family as Louis and Corrie married last year) the G-unit (Louis’ grandparents) who were our first customers and who eat here every week; Grandma who bakes our shortbread; Mums wielding paintbrushes, Dads deep cleaning and caring for plants; sister, Mistress of the counter, upholstery and genius mind behind our amazing coconut soup. The endless hours of washing up in return for food offered by sister’s partner, now our General Manager, in those crazy early days. Thank you all.

And this brings us back to our teams, who show us such astonishing commitment, curiosity, willingness, warmth, good humour and kindness to us and each other.

You should meet them!


Owner/Exec Chef

Classically trained with over twenty years hospitality experience, Corrie honed her cooking skills whilst living in Hanoi. She devoured the culinary knowledge shared by friends and neighbours, and even held cooking classes for the less fortunate children of her neighbourhood.

Corrie opened Omni with partner (now Husband) Lou back in September 2015. Known for her fresh & vibrant food, Corrie has built a menu (one that’s ever-changing, by the way) which the people of Monkseaton have taken to their hearts.

When she’s not at home with her two boys you'll find her here, either at the pass, adding the finishing touches to your dish - or at the front door, welcoming you into her cafe.



General Manager

Matt is family and gave his time incredibly generously when we first set up. From washing the pots in exchange for a pork banh mi on our opening day, to managing the kitchen alongside Corrie, Matt now oversees the whole operation. He balances the running of the cafe between super-efficiency, astute juggling and interludes of pantomime and high camp.

All the above is true – but Matt has quietly continued to expand his role in response to the challenges we’ve faced throughout and post the Covid crisis - way beyond the confines of the kitchen and cafe: bringing online our website, developing systems for Click and Collect, overseeing the introduction of our online merchandise and using analytics to provide focus and business confidence when it comes to figures and accounts. General Manager barely skims the surface in terms of Matt’s role.



Front of House Manager

Claire’s been our navigator, steadily steering us through the early choppy waters and leading by example. We had to beg – we were a big risk to start with - but we’re so glad to have her!

In her inimitable, unflappable way Claire steadied us through Covid days, the Omni Baby Rush, the tables in, the tables out, the expansion into next-door - and now the newly scary economic crisis. Claire is not one to be rocked by any of life’s crazies.

She personally delivers to our two oldest customers every week, because she knows what’s important - that’s one of the (many) reasons we love her.

Front of House



Maddy is yet another of our dog-loving fraternity, the proud and loving owner of two ……. pups.

It’s often Maddy who’ll greet you warmly as you arrive. A committed vegan, Maddy’s main passion is running - she's recently completed the Great North Run and is in training for this year’s Manchester Marathon.

There are two versions of Maddy. There’s Maddy, and there’s paparazzi disguise ninja Maddy. She’s regularly mistaken for a customer by members of our team after changing into her running gear at the end of her shift.

A music business graduate, we’re happy Maddy is biding her time here whilst seeking that elusive opening.



Mullen is the architect behind our tastiest cocktails. With almost a decade of experience behind the bar, we’re lucky to have him on our team.

Some fun facts bout our very own Jack Mullen:

  • He has a metal head.

  • He has been to every American state but has never visited Norwich.

  • He used to be class as sports until he gave it all up to chase his real dream of becoming the greatest living bartender.

  • His favourite two Teletubbies are Laa-Laa and Po. Couldn't separate them if he tried.




If our front of house supervisor looks a little familiar, it might be that you’ve spotted her as a body-double for Hermione in the Harry Potter films?

Four kids… maybe a cottage holiday - or a hotel with pool? Not when there are the Atlas Mountains to explore and willing mules and guides.

Ellen has a quietly adventurous spirit and a calm centre: exactly what’s needed in her other role as a doula.


Front of House 

Jess left the UK and emigrated to Canada when she was in first school. Upon her recent return, almost twenty years later, she thankfully decided that Omni Cafe should be the place to facilitate her reintegration into the Geordie society.

She often admires the quality and colour of our mangoes; says they’re so much better than the ones she used to get across the pond. Well… the bountiful tropic of costa del Whitley does not disappoint.

Jess loves cats, chatting and ice cold gin & tonics.


Front of House

A Pisces, Zea is a big fan of food, sunsets and live music. This is her second stint at the caff and we’re so glad to have her back!

Outside of Omni - Zea is a Play Therapist in training, and we’re fairly sure she commutes to Glasgow University once a week in order to attend her lectures. If only were all that committed to the cause!


Front of House

Orla is incredibly boring (apparently).

She loves music and collecting vinyls is her passion. She considers herself to be a bit of dog whisper, and can often be found strolling along any one of our beautiful beaches attempting to coax canines into leaving their families behind in order to run away and start a new life with her.

She’s currently studying geography at the University of Liverpool but we’re lucky to have her back in the holidays, mainly so we get to see her Michael Jackson impression (the best in Whitley Bay).


Front of House

Anna has been a very welcome addition to the FOH team. With years of bar experience under belt she made the decision to step into restaurant hospitality - fortunately for us!

Outside of work… so far, we’re certain that she can play the piano and that she likes dogs - that's all we know… for now.


Front of House

Lucy’s favourite things include going out for coffee, walks on the beach (with ice cream), travelling too - anything that includes sunshine really…

Lucy’s absolutely class at everything. It’s actually a bit annoying. Her list of skills includes: knitting, sewing, drawing (see below), running, longjumping, highjumping, abseiling, volleyballing, tobogganing, rockpooling, moonwalking, sandwalking, regurgitating, crabbing, sailing, ballroom dancing, front-of-housing and bartending.


Front of House 

Michael sent us a few photos for his bio. This one was our favourite.

You might have guessed it… our Michael is an actor - and like all good actors, Michael’s resume is bulging with miscellaneous skills and facts. He is comfortable with heights and can fly across theatres stages with nothing but a hook attached to his cardigan. He can fit his entire fist in his mouth. He’s even a close personal friend of Shaggy.

Michael is currently resting between opportunities and saving his pennies in order to move back to the Big Smoke.

We’re lucky to have him, for as long as that may be.


Front of House

Freya loves country music and often attends gigs & concerts. We have to share her with St James’s Park so she’s always a miss when Eddie Howe’s Saudi Mags are playing on a Saturday afternoon.

She’s also bilingual… that’s English (obviously), fluent Spanish(!), and she can understand our chefs too!

Edit: Freya is now a licensed pilot and flies for Ryanair on Mondays.


Front of House 

Chloe has quickly become an integral part of our Front of House team. Whether it’s managing the bookings diary from the front door or running the entire restaurant floor - she is always cool, calm and collected!

Outside of work and studies, Chloe enjoys going to the gym. Her favourite thing to do, however, is shopping!


Front of House 

Brooke is somewhat exotic by Omni’s standards (she’s half Danish).

She loves books and painting but her love for the arts is nothing compared to that of the one she holds for her cats.

When she’s not dyeing her hair you might find her in Durham - she loves the city (not as much as the kitty) and plans to go to university there.


Front of House

Erin is absolutely class at football - she plays and coaches - and she’s currently the player-manager of the Omni 5-aside team: Thierry Omni.

She often plays house music to get the lads hyped up for a big game. This season has been tough, though…. so she’s looking forward to going on holiday and exploring some new places in the summer.



Jane came seven years ago to help us with our cleaning. It’s true to say she keeps Omni spick and span – but she’s so, so much more. Her scope has now extended to paying suppliers, plant care, dog care and dog walking and generally stepping in to support the Omni partners in innumerable ways. She’s a true friend to us all.

Back of House


Head Chef

Lee has his own podcast. We call it Lee’s Podcast. It’s not recorded but it runs 12 hours a day in Omni’s kitchen.

Lee has lots of tattoos. Lee loves his ferrets. Lee loves cooking. Lee is very good at cooking.

Lee is Lee.


Kitchen Manager

Louis lived abroad in Austria and Canada for over 4 years and has a love for the mountains! He enjoys pints, hiking and eating Sunday dinner - ideally all in one day. This man lives and breathes NUFC, bleeds black and white, and is a former member of the team’s hooligan division: the Newcastle Gremlins. Louis runs a tight ship, and the kitchen has never ran more smoothly.


Kitchen Porter

Nataliia likes to spend time in nature, especially up in the mountains during the summer months.

In her native Ukraine, Nataliia worked as a teacher for five years before trying her hand at accounting - now she is the backbone of the Omni kitchen and we feel very fortunate to have her.


Kitchen Porter

Fraser is our back kitchen wonderkid, one of the most anticipated up-and-coming kitchen porters in the North East. Yet his talents venture far beyond the confines of a stainless steel sink - this guy is an athlete, he likes to keep fit - and when he’s not in the gym or on the football pitch he’ll be messing about with his pals or off travelling. Don’t mess with this lad.